Picture of modern build houses, UK

Planning in 2023


2023 will see the UK taking some major steps forward with planning policy reform. The UK government has announced measures to place local communities at the heart of the planning system as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. The measures aim to build the right homes in the right places with the right infrastructure, ensuring the environment is protected and giving local people a greater say on where new development should be placed.

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UKs Need For Housing


An article published by The Resolution Foundation, an independent think tank, looks in more depth at recent ONS household figures suggesting that the data could be interpreted differently to reflect a truer picture of the UK housing market. They suggest switching attention from purely just the household to looking at the number of dwellings available per family. In short they conclude “in the first instance it is hard to escape the conclusion that as a country we have not built enough homes to keep up with population trends over the last 25 years.” The think tank also goes on to point out that if the UK was to meet the Government’s house building target of 300,000 new units a year it would take until 2028 to reach a level where housing was previously aligned with needs.

In short the targets for house building are not being met and the real need for housing within the UK will continue to worsen. The first chock hold on the UK’s housing being built is at local planning authority level; the UK’s planning system needs to have a serious shape up if the UK’s housing needs are to be achieved.

Read the full article here: https://www.resolutionfoundation.org/media/blog/the-one-million-missing-homes/ 

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Capital Land Property Group