Swindon’s Local Plan Review – Part 2


Swindon Borough Council has prepared a Local Plan which it proposes to submit to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. The Local Plan relates to the whole Borough and provides a strategy for delivering growth for Swindon Borough up to 2036. The document provides the vision, objectives, strategic policies, development management policies and site specific allocations for delivering new homes, jobs, services, facilities and infrastructure.

Swindon’s Local Plan review is still ongoing and has moved to the next stage in the process.

The first stage of the review, an issues and options public consultation, took place during the end of 2017. A further public consultation then took place to review a plan which proposes additional strategies to meet future housing and employment needs. The consultation period took place over the 29 July 2019 until 23 September 2019. The next stage saw Swindon Borough Council prepare the Local Plan Submission Draft with the consultation period taking place from 17 December 2019 to 31 January 2020.

From here Swindon Borough Council will forward representations made on the Submission Draft Local Plan, along with the Submission Local Plan and other supporting evidence to the Planning Inspectorate. The Planning Inspectorate will then appoint an inspector to undertake an examination to test the ‘soundness’ and legal compliance of the Plan. This means checking that the Council has properly observed all legal and national planning policy requirements.

All relevant documentation can be found on the Swindon Borough Council consultation portal here: https://swindon-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/

Image: Shutterstock

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