Picture of modern build houses, UK

Planning in 2023


2023 will see the UK taking some major steps forward with planning policy reform. The UK government has announced measures to place local communities at the heart of the planning system as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. The measures aim to build the right homes in the right places with the right infrastructure, ensuring the environment is protected and giving local people a greater say on where new development should be placed.

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Major Infrastructure Completion


The upgrade works to a major piece of infrastructure in Swindon is nearing completion. The White Hart junction has needed a major overhaul for some time and with the New Eastern Villages coming forward developer and Governmental funding has provided the resource necessary for this to take place.

The roundabout was reopened last month following major reconstruction. It is a key piece of infrastructure connecting the New Eastern Villages in the East of Swindon to the Town and major arterial road networks.

The overall £30m White Hart junction improvement scheme is due to be completed in February next year when the new northbound slip road to the A419 will be opened.

The continued progression of this infrastructure is a key milestone in unlocking and bringing the needed social infrastructure and homes forward at The New Eastern Villages.

The full article on the Swindon Borough Council website is available here: https://preview.mailerlite.com/e0u6u9

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